Every community has a need. Not every community has an advocate. That's where we come in.


Our Mission

Community development means more than simply throwing money at an issue until it goes away. At Firm (L) Foundation, we believe that the process used to find a solution is just as important as the solution itself. Our goal is to help communities identify focus areas, plan a course of action, and achieve their goals in a holistic manner. By involving multiple levels of the community in every step of the development process, we hope to foster projects with long-term impact across a number of sectors—projects which draw their strength from local residents and leaders.

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
— John Donne


  • Education
    • Training
    • ESL
  • Health
    • Mental Health
    • Drug Awareness
    • Education and Prevention
  • Agriculture
    • Sustainable Farming
    • Animal Healthcare
  • Leadership Development
    • Small Business Seminars
    • Customer Service Training
    • Motivational Speaking
    • Life Skills Training
  • Sports Development
    • Ultimate Frisbee Clinics
    • Camps and Events
  • Other Community Development
    • Disaster Relief Training